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More Fun Things To Do This Summer With Your Dog

May 17, 2022

More Fun Things To Do This Summer With Your Dog

Run out of fun things to do with your dog this summer? Don't worry! We have fun ideas for you and your pup to still have a blast this summer. 

Be sure to consider both you and your pups lifestyles when planning things to do. This helps keep both of you more engaged and excited about hanging out together. You might be the adventurous outdoorsy type, or perhaps a more posh relaxing type, or maybe even the social butterfly that loves to hang out!


Dog Lifestyles



Dog Temperament, Dog Lifestyles


The Outdoorsy Type


Outdoorsy dogs, dog hiking


1. Doggy marathons - Depending on where you live, there may be a local dog marathon. If not, then there may still be normal fun run marathons that you can bring your dog to even if it’s not a specific dog event.


    dog marathon, dog fun run, dog walk


    2. Hide n seek in the woods - If it’s just you and your dog, hide some treats in a toy and hide the toy somewhere (not too hidden) and let your dog find it. If you have a friend with you, have your friend hold your dog while you go hide and then let your dog find you!


      3. Herding sessions - Many dogs have herding instincts that can make them be extremely active, this is one great way of helping them use those instincts while you get to play with them. Look into local farms or sanctuaries and see if they offer herding sessions for your pup!


        dog exercise, dog herding, herding session



        For the Foodies


        Dog treats, foodie


        1. Sonic - Some locations may bring out a small cup of whipped cream for your pup if you mention you have them with you.



          pup cup, free dog treat, dog ice cream


          2. Dunkin Donuts - Mention you have your dog with you and you may get a free whipped cream cup or a free “munchkin” donut hole for your dog!


            3. Many local pet stores love when you bring your dog in and may let your pup sample some of the treats they have! This is a great way to find out what your dog really loves to eat.

            *Warning: ice cream or custard may cause an upset stomach in some dogs so exercise caution and only give small amounts to your pup.


              dog store, dog toys, toys for dogs


              The Awesome Party Hosts


              dog party, fun dog


              1. Pupper Pool Party - Another classic summertime party that your dog will love is a pool party. Invite your dog's best friends over if you have a pool and fill the pool with floaties and toys. If you don’t have a large pool, don’t worry, you can buy a few kiddie pools and have just as much fun!



                dog pool party, summer dog, dog pool float


                2. Painting Party - Think your pup is the artistic type? Help them get their inner artist out with paper (or canvas) with paint globs sealed inside a plastic baggie, smear their favorite smearable treat (peanut butter works great!) and let them have at it.


                  3. Pajama party - Who doesn’t love to wear pajamas all day? Find some matching pjs for you and your pooch and compete with your friends to have the cutest pjs!



                    dog pj party, dogs in pjs, dog pajamas



                    Social Butterflies


                    dog social, doggy daycare


                    1. Visit a Nursing Home or Children's Hospital - Your local nursing home or Children's Hospital may let you bring your dog to visit their residents. Your dog will love visiting these folks and they will love spending time with your pup too.

                    *Note: You and your dog must be certified by a qualified therapy organization to visit medical facilities. 


                      therapy dogs, children's hospital, dog therapy


                      2. Dog Festivals - Believe it or not but there are festivals that celebrate dogs. You might be able to find one in your area. If there aren’t any in your area, you can probably still bring your dog to a local festival or farmers market.


                      3. Doggy Daycare Playdate - Some doggy daycares host special events for their pups, such as pool parties and bubble days! Be sure to keep an eye out for these days if your pup attends a doggy daycare. Even if your daycare doesn't have these special days, your pup is sure to LOVE spending time with their doggy BFF's!


                      dog party, doggy daycare, dog friends


                      The Posh Dogs


                      posh pup, posh dog


                      1. Doggie dance class - If you love to express yourself through dance then you should get your dog involved as well. There may be dog dance classes for you to attend or just dance at home with your dog.


                        dog spa, dog massage
                        2. Doggy massage - Similar to a spa day, this can be done at your local groomers or by you. This may also be a great option if your dog has anxiety or if you’ve both been going on a lot of fun outings lately.


                          3. Sunbathing with your pup - Some dogs love to just lay in the sun and soak up some rays. You can set out towels or blankets for you to lay on in your backyard or your favorite park and just relax with your pooch. 


                            dog relaxing, dog sunbathing, lazy dogs

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